Day 612 – Paid in full

Preparation Is Key: How Challenges Motivate Action

Wednesday marks a significant milestone in our journey towards first business pursuit. Our mobile trailer sauna, is now paid in full and is ready to be picked from Cork. This means we face a new challenge in our life, that we haven’t faced before. It’s completely different thing to be a sole trader with part time consulting or personal training, and completely different when you invested a significant amount of money, into physical means and now will serve clients.

Have a quick watch of short update from my garden shed (yes I recorded it there), and meet me below for the rest of the write up:

[watch time: 6min 13s]

Today’s day of work had only one disruption and it was our daily walk. After yesterday’s rest day, I decided to try and do the walk again with my wife. We went on to complete our nearby loop at Murvagh, where we partially walk the road and forest, and then cut through the dunes, then return to the car along the shore. It was an amazing weather, albeit it was cooler than usual, and definitely more overcast, with sporadic sun spells. It was dry though, for most of the day, and that is the most important bit.

Later on, after work, I juggled between making bread and dinner at the same time. I was afraid that I will mix two recipes, or worse forget something that will cause either the bread go to waste, or dinner to be bland. Fortunately I managed both well and just in time to drop Julian for his soccer training.

Rest of the day went quick and I’m not sure even what happened there, as the only thing I remember is me going to the garden shed to prepare bike and electric scooter for Elizabeth and Julian tomorrow. They need means to get to school and back, so I want to make sure that tyres are inflated, scooter is charged, and bike lock is ready for Julian, to secure the bike at school.

Alright, I am still unsure how the day will go tomorrow, but it is one of those “stormy days” as I call them. Yes, I will be driving early morning to Dublin (about 3-3.5hrs), then work in the office, and then participating in staff relay series event, which I was meant to be runner in. Unfortunately, due to my ankle sprain last week, I am not ready to run 5k without risking health/complications with my healing foot, so I will be a “cheerleader” together with couple of other guys that can’t run either.

After the event, drive back home will take about 3hrs too, so it will be a long day for me. What’s worse, I have another two similar days coming shortly, on Monday and Tuesday, as we will be participating in new software platform training, so it will be another set of long drives.

Let me wrap up now and get some sleep. I hope that some gas station will be opened in the morning, as if I’m correct, my car is on reserve now.

Stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

PS. I hit the WordPress limit on photo uploads, so to avoid switching to paid plan for now, I will likely start deleting most of the “Satellite Habits” update pictures, leaving only significant ones. This might buy me some time, before fully committing to paid plan here (unless I switch/migrate to self-hosted solution…).

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