Day 639 – First aid

Tuesday was themed with chaos, confusion, early wake up, weird news (whether bad or good, time will tell) and a particular schedule that I was chasing. Outside of work day and our travel to Dublin for my wife’s appointment at the doctor, we had pretty whirlwind of emotions today and I still need to process all of it before writing anything further.

Have a quick watch of an update that I recorded this evening and meet me below for the rest of the write up:

[watch time: 4min 26s]

I will be quick, because I am wasted with all that tight and draining schedule of today, and I need sleep badly. While the news that I’m processing still, will remain with me for some time before I share it, there’s a bit that I already revealed in the title, that I wanted to mention.

After our early wake up, long drive to Dublin, visit at the doctor in the hospital and then long drive back from Dublin to Donegal Town, I was racing against time. I knew it will be tight, but as it usually is with life… it was even tighter.

I signed myself up for first aid course/training, that was sponsored and organised for Julian’s club, and they were offering small set of places to join it. It was available for not only coaches and trainers etc. but also for parents so I decided that I will commit with small caveat that I will be driving from Dublin and might be late or not manage at all. They were fine with it and they put me in for it.

We made it to Donegal Town 5:55pm. I literally parked in the driveway, let Julian and Elizabeth get to the house and drove straight to the Parish Centre for the training at 6pm.

I was expecting 1 hour, maybe 90 min max… I was so wrong. It turned out to be an expedited 3 days content in half-day session or compressed 4 hours delivery in the evening. I was there from 6pm to 10pm, and while the course was very much important and I am really happy that I managed to do it, it took the last bits of my energy and focus.

We did a lot of theory and a lot of practical exercises and scenarios, ranging from assessment and reaction, to DOs and NOT DOs of first aid, in accidents and emergencies small and big. From concussions, through broken bones, sprains, epileptic events, seizures, through CPR, choking, burns and other situations that can happen to both young and older generations of players on the pitch of Drumbar United FC.

I finally know how to use AED (defib), so I definitely took away a lot from it. Let me wrap up and publish this post and I shall think about the other stuff and report in coming days.

Stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

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