Day 640 – Digesting it

Midweek was eventless, really. Outside of regular stuff related to work there’s only one concerning element, and it’s frustrating that I cannot provide any details about it due to legal stuff, so I need to find the way to at least write about something that can be considered a highlight of today.

Have a quick watch of a longer update that recorded in sauna and meet me below for the rest of the write up:

[watch time: 9min 29s]

From Monday until Wednesday, we had sort of “time off” from sauna. This was planned and expected, but quite dull time and we felt like missing something. Even though it is a chore a bit and effort regardless, it was missing in our daily schedule once we finished serving people on Sunday.

Tomorrow, we are finally heading for our scheduled operation at Murvagh. Two days, Thursday and Friday there. We expect them to be pretty quiet, and this is okay, but we hope at least we get some exposure and maybe a client or two. This location is aimed at local community, so it will take much more time to establish for couple of reasons. First, it’s less traffic there. Significantly less people know about it and visit it regularly. Second, those who visit regularly are locals, and with locals you need to build trust and respect first, before they will support you as a business, so patience is key here.

Saturday and Sunday we will be at Rossnowlagh. It’s different dynamic there. Especially if we will be able to serve at the beach, the traffic there is 10x and much more interest and clients generated there translates to mixture of locals, local visitors (meaning they live daily elsewhere in Ireland, but have their families or holiday homes here), and the rest of the public/tourists that mostly come and go and you rarely see them again.

Our Instagram slowly grows, and Facebook page also.

All of that motivates us slightly to keep going. Being part of the group of many other sauna owners on Whatsapp is also very uplifting and helping.

The only thing we really did today, was a short drive to Murvagh. Elizabeth went on her walk along the beach, while Julian and myself went to the forest and looked for fallen branches and any salvageable wood that we could use for sauna, to minimise overheads of burning shop bought wood and/or having it in case we run out of fuel. We don’t have that comfort at Rossnowlagh, but we do here at Murvagh, because there’s forest nearby.

I am terribly tired and still need to get some sleep back, so excuse me while I head to bed and get my body and brain recover. It is tough time, physically, mentally and in general.

Stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

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