Day 641 – Strawberry moon

This weekend, and specifically today is the earliest summer solstice since 1796. That’s quite rare, most of the time the longest day and the highest point of sun in the sky around June 24th in Northern Hemisphere. Not only it is unique from this standpoint, but also it aligns perfectly over the weekend with the full moon. Full moon that is also very close to the Earth and will become tinted by the sunlight, reflecting pinkish and reddish waves, having a lovely colour.

Have a quick watch of an update that I recorded at Murvagh beach, in the evening (without the moon), and meet me below for the rest of the write up:

[watch time: 4min 10s]

Strawberry Moon is the name of this phenomena but not due to its colour, but rather the time associated with short strawberry harvesting season around this event. In other historical records, it is actually associated more with honey, hence honeymoon, that in turn was widely accepted as a proxy name for the first month of marriage.

Enough history stuff, you can easily find more about it in the internet if you want, I just wanted to mention that to make the post a bit more exciting. We can’t see it today anyway, because… Ireland. Full overcast and we can see sh*t.

Today was pretty busy on work and life front, with couple of things that I needed to sort out last minute, before we headed for our first day this week, to serve people our sauna. We had booking ahead of time, so it was even more motivating to go there.

Unfortunately along the way we were stuck in the traffic (the roadworks on national road between Ballyshannon and Donegal Town are still ongoing), and we arrived a bit later than expected. It was not enough time to heat up sauna to 60-70 degrees as usual, but rather to 45-50. This deterred a bit one of the customers, but eventually, after a nice chat and suggestion to pop in later, we managed to win their trust and they eventually, happily spent an hour in solid 70-80 degrees.

Other than that the day was dull, no need to drag this write up for too long. I am a bit pissed, because I forgot about pneumatic element of our trailer and made a bit of a scratch on the bumper. While it is nothing to worry about (bumper is plastic and the paint is easy to patch), it is a scar regardless and a reminder to be more careful next time.

Alright, tomorrow Murvagh again, we’ll see how it goes. Time to wrap up and go to sleep.

Stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

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