Day 642 – There is hope

Friday ends now. It was an exhausting week with so many bumps on the road (literal and figurative), changes, excitements, upsets, etc. We are still in a very wobbly place with this thing that I can’t talk about yet for legal reasons, but this might drag for month or two, so whenever I can, I will write about it. In the meantime, the busy week ended and the busier weekend started.

Have a quick watch of an update that I recorded on the way to school, and meet me below for the rest of the write up:

[watch time: 9min 20s]

Do you remember how skeptical I was when we brought sauna to Donegal Town, just two weeks ago? I was expecting to stand empty for weeks and months before we get traction. It already didn’t come to fruition and we have beaten the first milestone of getting a first client within first week of operation (technically fourth day, because we weren’t operating Mon-Wed). We also got more clients the next day at Rossnowlagh and this week we barely started and already got three bookings.

Like it is not enough, we’re also getting traction within community. We’ve met a nice lady that has sister (also nice, no question about it), that is highly engaged in local community at Murvagh. After the session she immediately helped us by suggesting to take a picture and posting on Facebook that we are here, and introduced us to almost 1000 people. I mean thousand local people who very often engage in conversations, activities, events, beach cleaning and other stuff – proper community and continuous clients as well in future I hope.

This is very motivating. It helps us believe that we made the right choice, that we are pursuing the right thing and that we can succeed.

On the other fronts, something is circulating in the air. Fortunately I have fairly good immune system, but recently I jeopardised it with couple of very short nights of sleep (even though I was calling it and planning on going early). Yesterday I managed a bit earlier, and today I might actually make it again before midnight, so let me wrap up and see you tomorrow.

Stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

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