Day 643 – Empty hours

Saturday was filled with a bit of hope. We knew that over the weekend, especially when it’s dry, plenty of people walk across Rossnowlagh beach. We drove with a slight excitement there, and set the sauna around 12:30pm. It heated up to 60 Celsius in roughly an hour or so and we were ready to roll.

Have a quick watch of today’s video update on YouTube, and meet me below it for the rest of write up:

[watch time: 4min 04s]

It wasn’t the best and most successful day so far, but considering the overcast weather, windy day, and the fact that a lot of people were drawn towards Bundoran due to Sea Sessions festival, we were expecting a bit of lower traffic, especially in the place where we settled.

There was still a lot of interest and people were asking what it is, how do you use it, when we are available, etc. Overall, we gained about 3-5 quality followers, and ended up having two clients, enjoying sauna for the first time. Plenty of interesting chats and equally interesting people.

In between the chores of keeping the fire going and all other stuff related to the sauna, Julian and myself played a bit of football (soccer) on the wide strand of Rossnowlagh, as the low tide was slowly creeping into a returning tide.

We had friendly people all the time, some of them intending openly to spread the word within family and friends. This is very good, because while some startup business owners think about earnings (and they are important), the warm leads and quality followers as well as free marketing is often overlooked as gain. Solid gain I must admit. We might only be at 32 followers on Instagram, but these are 95% of people we met in person, talked to, and some of them already became customers. Rarely any business or account on Instagram can be proud of having such audience and we are really proud of it.

On Facebook, we also got traction after yesterday’s visit of returning customer with her sister. We were advertised in a wider group of locals and already seem to be a new hype around, with plenty of people suggesting that they were not only waiting for such element in the area, but also claiming they will visit us soon.

While the earnings are not significant, the most important is that they are positive revenue. I calculate roughly the overheads in wood burned vs the earnings, and we are fortunate to already get traction and being in positive status, while I know for fact that majority of businesses tread for months or even first year, before they break even and start earning to even think about getting back their investment. Our bootstrap requires a lot of return to say that we earn money after the investment, but it’s surely a solid start to get there, and the season is just starting so we might get our money back by end of year if all goes well.

I need to work on website, because I have couple of ideas on how to create some more traction. Also there’s still pending element to get the branding up, with flag, banner and couple other things to highlight our presence while being at the beach.

That’s it for now, stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

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