Art Of Recovery: Trusting Your Body While Staying In Motion

I arrived home after midnight, about 00:30. It was a great day, albeit exhausting. The huge advantage of being in the office sporadically is that when such visit happens rarely and there’s almost no one there, the productivity spikes on my side. I am usually quite efficient, but when I find myself in an empty office, I get extra boost. Of course if I would be doing it more regularly, this would certainly drop, as it is less of a unique event then.

Have a quick watch of a short update from the car, as I sit in front of the Atlantic, watching high tide, and meet me below for the rest of the write up:

[watch time: 7min 28s]

I am still recovering after total of 6.5 hours of driving yesterday, long day in the office, and quite chilly and windy 3 hours in Phoenix Park, while at Staff Relay Race. It was a decent event and I am definitely signing up for next year.

Today I decided to test my level of recovery, in the injured ankle, and see if roughly a week after spraining it, I can do small interval: walk and jog (about 2-3 minutes each, continuously). My wife asked me if I want to go and so I joined her, but prior to this I wrapped my left ankle with a bandage, and then secured both ankles with elastic support socks, to ensure full stability. It felt good to jog again after this short break. I did not feel any pain really and we did 5k at our regular loop at Murvagh.

Later on I drove to school, but this time I wasn’t picking Julian straight home. I only took his backpack and handed him over to his friend’s mom, who took them both in turn to their house for a playdate. As I write it in front of Atlantic shore, in my car, they are slowly getting ready for me picking him back up. It’s about 15 min drive from where I am parked, so I’ll be leaving shortly.

One thing that I want to record in today’s blog post is something not necessarily related to me directly. At midnight Eastern Time, so probably about 5am today my time, there was a premier of a new album of Twenty One Pilots, which I was pumped to hear. So far I listened half of the album and the songs are very good, but the best part about them is that the guys recorded also a separate video for each song from the album, and they did live stream premiere, in their pyjamas, playing those clips for first time and discussing the whole creative process and thoughts behind everything.

Anyway, that’s it for today. Time to wrap up and go for a short drive, to pick my beautiful and amazing son back home to his mother.

Stay tuned and see you tomorrow!

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